
Showing posts from May, 2020

This text makes him think about you non-stop

"The trick that TV producers use to make you binge-watch episode after episode, and why you should use the exact same tactic when texting a guy" When your man starts to pull away...The first thing to go isn't his attraction for you... It isn't his affection...And it isn't his love...It's his ATTENTION. Get the text for keeping your man's attention on you here ... Psychologists have discovered that the more a man thinks about you when you're not around... The more obsessed with you he becomes...>And the deeper in love with you he feels. And when a man pulls away...And acts distant or doubtful about your relationship... It's because he's become DISTRACTED. He's not thinking about you throughout the day as much as he used to...Causing his feelings to start to fade...And doubt to set in. That's why the key to restoring the balance in your relationship...has nothing to do with being the best partner you can be...or co...

The #1 Texting Mistake Women Make

There's one big mistake most women make when they're texting a guy... Which practically ensures he'll leave you hanging....rather than texting you back right away. And that mistake is: They don't text in a way that HOOKS HIS ATTENTION. Here's a text which hooks a man's attention: You see, men are like puppy dogs: They're easily distracted by anything new...       By shiny objects...             And yes, sometimes by other women. And if your messages don't grab his attention... And force him to think about you when you're not around... He'll easily get pulled aside by something else... And he'll never develop those feelings of infatuation and obsession that make him desperate to hear from you... To be around you... And ultimately to lock you down. Fortunately, my friend Amy North has come up with a text that guarantees the man you send it to won't be able to stop thinking about you. When you send it...

Getting ignored? Send him THIS before it's too late

"When a man is ignoring your texts, send him this sneaky 'Attention Message' before it's too late" Has a man ever ignored your text message? This is typically the first sign he's pulling away from you... but there's a secret "Attention Text" that you can send him to send a shiver up his spine... make him commit to you... This is a crazy-ass "how to" video by YouTube relationship guru, Amy North: This is probably the most dramatic videos I've ever seen... because in it, Amy tells a gut-wrenching story that will make you laugh and cry at the same time... And she also explains how she discovered this secret "Attention Text" that makes a man think about you non stop... to the point of pure obsession... makes him think about devotion. Love. And if used properly, even marriage... Sound unbelievable? Then you've clearly never seen this video before: Once you use this text on a man, he will immediately dist...