This text makes him think about you non-stop
"The trick that TV producers use to make you binge-watch episode after episode, and why you should use the exact same tactic when texting a guy" When your man starts to pull away...The first thing to go isn't his attraction for you... It isn't his affection...And it isn't his love...It's his ATTENTION. Get the text for keeping your man's attention on you here ... Psychologists have discovered that the more a man thinks about you when you're not around... The more obsessed with you he becomes...>And the deeper in love with you he feels. And when a man pulls away...And acts distant or doubtful about your relationship... It's because he's become DISTRACTED. He's not thinking about you throughout the day as much as he used to...Causing his feelings to start to fade...And doubt to set in. That's why the key to restoring the balance in your relationship...has nothing to do with being the best partner you can be...or co...